Merinotech (WA) Elite Ram Breeding Nucleus

The Merinotech (WA) Nucleus is located south-west of Kojonup in Western Australia.

We have been breeding high-performance rams using a science-based approach for over 30 years. The breeding program was established to exploit the latest developments in genetics and breeding technology, with extensive objective and visual data collected on the nucleus flock. Our rams are some of the highest ranking in Australia for traits including fat, eye muscle depth, resistance to worms, ewe rearing ability and weaning rate. Combined with high-value, sound wool, they are easy-care sheep with a market advantage for prime lamb production. Merinotech ceased mulesing in 2023, with this facilitated by the genetic progress achieved in ‘non-mulesing’ traits including reducing worm egg counts, dag and breech wrinkle. We are committed to applying the best techniques in animal breeding and selection to ensure continual genetic improvement whilst having a positive contribution to the sheep industries within Australia and internationally.